About This Device

Device Info

Device Name:
- Oyaswmi

Device Identification:
- She/Her

Hardware Version:
- v20

Hardware Compatibility:
- All Devices

Software Incompatibility:
- TERFS, Jerma985, Transphobes, Devices v13 Or Younger

Device Icon

Device Contact Number:
- Oyaswmi#1710

Device Details

I've been online for almost my entire life, and i've seen it change from a niche to a jugernaut over the course of the last 20 years.

We've lost something special along the way. Something I can't quite put into words, so instead take this site as my tribute to an era long past, in all its low-quality gif-filled glory.

The internet is how i discovered who I truly am, and through it, I have found a great deal of enemies and friends alike. It's all part of the fun.

Where To Find Me


Component Name:
- There Is No Username

Final Fantasy XIV

Component Name:
- Flora Qestir - Raiden


Component Name:
- Oyaswmi